Artificial intelligence: intelligent machines i.e. robots, driverless cars...

Artificial Intelligence: intelligent machines i.e. robots, driverless cars...

The world with the growing pace of technology in on the peak. Modernization of society with brisk technological reforms and fundamentals had led the life to experience a greater exposure in delight. Among much other intelligence, the field of artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly in every field and sphere of routine life.

Artificial intelligence is the field of computer science which inhibits the technological world to create an intelligent machine that work, react and could think like a human. It is up growing field of technology which could make the pure sensation virtual world.  This intelligence revolves around the use of an algorithm, which is a set of unambiguous instructions that a machine can understand. Many of us understand this term as machine intelligence or also robotics. Many algorithms are capable of various abilities like understanding human instructions, speech, emotion, guidelines and more. The tide of development in science in not hidden as by using this technology machines become able to make many precious decisions upon analyzing past experiences and current conditions.

Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly. It is going to be widely used in the future. It is currently used by car build, chatbot (which provide co-information while chatting while surfing the website), Personal Digital Assistant (Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Serie, Microsoft Corta, etc.), robot creation, computer, facebook, youtube, Speech Recognition, Weather Forecasting, Computer Science, Air Construction, Medical Science, Space Station.

Today many companies are investing heavily in it. Artificial Intelligence started in the 1950s. It works by the robotics system. It works on human thinking. It also gives feedback on the facts. Deep Blue Computer, equipped with the Artificial Intelligence of IBM Company, beat Kasparov in chess.

Natural language technology:

It is a technology that enables the machine to understand the human functions in the field of text mining, information retrieval, question answering, and machine translation. It embodies the full understanding of common sense and reasoning.


The use of this technology can now be seen in the majority of fields such as
Health care:
Diagnosing, transplanting organs, prescribing medicines, drug identification and more.
Automotive industry:
A company like Tesla is working on the same. The driverless cars, buses or public transporters are in the main focus.
Image recognition in photographs and online assistant such as Siri is also the utility of the same intelligence.



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